Makeup as well as appeal blog Monday Poll, Vol. 326

Boba for breakfast…? Why not?
អ្នកប្រហែលជាឆ្ងល់ថា “ដូច្នេះតើអ្វីទៅជាអ្វីដែល heck នេះគឺជាការស្ទង់មតិនៅថ្ងៃច័ន្ទនេះ?”

មែនហើយវាមិនមែនជាការស្ទង់មតិភាគច្រើនទេ។ It’s a lot more just a regularly evolving (devolving?), somewhat random listing of concerns I’ve been putting out to visitors every Monday morning for the past seven years. I’ve always took pleasure in reading your answers in the comments, as well as I hope you take pleasure in reading mine.

Bun or ponytail?
Ponytails are just much easier for me, however I like exactly how buns look…

ហា! I like exactly how buns look…

I mean, I like the look of buns, particularly untidy buns that are somewhat off center, however ponytails are just much easier as well as less work.

When was the last time you dug your toes into the sand?
ហឹម …

It was Memorial Day weekend, as well as it wasn’t ocean sand. It was sandy bit pebbles on the banks of the Russian River.

Around what time do you normally have your very first meal of the day?
I get up ravenous! I swear, as soon as I open my eyes in the morning, the very first thing I believe is, “FOOD!”

Or, sometimes, “PHLEW! WHAT IS THIS thing ON MY FACE!? Oh, it’s Tabs…”

So I normally eat around 6:30 a.m., a lot of of the time gruel/oatmeal with strawberry slices, or toast with peanut or almond butter, or waffles with a bit peanut butter as well as raisins on top.

Do you like using unconventional colors on your lips like grays, blues, greens, etc.?
Sure, why not? however only when I feel like I can get away with it, like at a makeup function at a department store, or a fashion show, or something like that.

Where do you sleep best?
It didn’t utilized to matter. I utilized to be able to zonk out as well as sleep soundly anywhere, even on public transportation! however these days, just my bed or the living space couch.

Do not underestimate the remarkable power of the couch nap.

It’s some powerful stuff.


វេន​អ្នក​ម្តង។ just copy as well as paste the complying with concerns into a comment with your answers. I look ahead to reading ’em!

1. Bun or ponytail?
2. When was the last time you dug your toes into the sand?
3. around what time do you normally have your very first meal of the day?
4. Do you like using unconventional colors on your lips like grays, blues, greens, etc.?
5. Where do you sleep best?


ឆ្មានិងគ្រឿងតុបតែងមុខរបស់ឆ្មា ??

42 ដុល្លារ


Good mornin’ as well as delighted Monday, friend!

One of the things I like to do when I get up (after eating, of course) is kind of like a bit morning meditation.

OK, I know… however before you roll your eyes as well as go, “Oh, boy, right here we go…” I’m serious! — it’s not as well cheesy or involved. It’s truly quick as well as helpful.

First, I’ll checked out a few minutes of something motivational. often it’s a few pages in a self-help book or an post online. Lately it’s been a web site I like called The everyday Motivator.

I’ll just sit quietly as well as believe about it for a few minutes, as well as then put the very best takeaway points into a note in my own words or a listing in my phone.

This morning’s publish on The everyday Motivator was about enthusiasm, so here’s the note I put in my phone…

Give yourself authorization to radiate as well as be enthusiastic about your life as well as the chances in front of you. interest keeps you engaged as well as feeling young as well as invested in the world around you. utilize it to produce something terrific today.

I know, it’s corny, however I don’t care. វា​ដំណើរការ! provide it a try this week. I mean, why not?


Keep your chin up today, OK? See you soon.

អ្នកធ្វើការដែលមានភាពរាក់ទាក់សហគមន៍ដែលរឿយ ៗ របស់អ្នក
