Makeup and charm blog Monday Poll, Vol. 226

You might be wondering, “So what the heck is this Monday Poll thing anyway?”
Well, it isn’t much of a poll. It’s much more just a continuously evolving (devolving?), somewhat random list of questions I’ve been putting out to readers every Monday morning for the past four years. I’ve always delighted in reading your answers in the comments, and I hope you delight in reading mine.

យល់ព្រម។ Actually, not too bad at all. slowly but surely, I’m starting to feel much more like myself again.

What’s something you wish you could purchase from a vending machine?
Um, sleep? dude! how amazing would it be if you could purchase sleep in cans?! like if you could chug a few hours whenever you needed the extra rest.

I also wouldn’t mind vending machines that dispensed piping hot French fries, assuming they were good fries (I like my fries skinny, crunchy on the outside and soft on the inside), emergency shoes (for those times when you notice how funky your shoes are only after you’ve already reached your destination, and by then it’s too late to change) and soft, fluffy blue-eyed kittens with rhinestone collars.

Is there someplace you go when you need some peace and quiet?
There are a few, like my bed, my parents’ kitchen, in some cases the library (I love how books smell), and if it’s sunny outside, then I like to take walks around Indian Valley here in Novato.

Oh, and in some cases I’ll stop by a church outside of mass hours, when they’re typically very quiet. I find it very comforting and peaceful.

Have you ever had a checked-in bag lost during a flight?
YES, and it was awful. I typically do my darnedest to avoid having to check in any bags (don’t like letting them out of my sight), but a couple years ago, on my way back from a brief trip to Italy, I should have tried to bring back one too numerous boxes of Italian chocolate, because the airline made me check the bag.

Of course, it went missing somewhere between my connecting flight in Germany and home here in California.

Thank goodness the airline tracked it down and got it back to me the next day (and with all the precious chocolate intact, LOL!).

Speaking of traveling, have you ever taken a trip with friends?
I have, and it can be a lot of fun, especially if they’re good friends. I’ve also taken a couple of trips with pals of a pal of a pal that ended up being a little…challenging, to say the least.

Travel can bring out the best and worst in people, especially people who don’t know each other very well. It can be stressful being on the road with someone, people getting hungry at different times, wanting to see and do different things, being trapped in cramped spaces for long periods of time.

How would you describe your laugh?
Ha! I have a few different versions, but I think my many interesting laugh is when I’m busting a gut, laughing hysterically, I do this silent thing with my mouth broad open, but where no sound comes out. My eyes are typically also closed, and tears may or may not be streaming down my cheeks.

I wish I were much more _________.
I wish I were much more forgiving both of myself and others. I think I hold on to things for a long time. probably longer than I should.

When was the last time you wrote someone a letter by hand?
Wow, I can’t remember. I think it might’ve been 2001? holy crap!

When was the last time you delighted in the terrific outdoors?
About 20 hours ago, yesterday afternoon when I took Tabs for a walk around the neighborhood.

To try to run each day this week, because I think it really helps my mood, and to just keep on keepin’ on.

I’m not going to try to bite off too much yet.


2. What’s something you wish you could purchase from a vending machine?
3. Is there someplace you go when you need some peace and quiet?
4. have you ever had a checked-in bag lost during a flight?
5. speaking of traveling, have you ever taken a trip with friends?
6. how would you describe your laugh?
7. I wish I were much more _________.
8. When was the last time you wrote someone a letter by hand?
9. When was the last time you delighted in the terrific outdoors?
10. weekly goals:


Hang in there this week, and I’ll try to do the same.


